British Invasion!

3:51 PM

Alright Lovelies!

When my wonderful in-laws came for a visit a few weeks ago, I had asked my sister-in-law to send them with some polishes of course!  And so I got my first group of Barry M and she included a lovely little number from A England. 

Oh aren't they pretty!?!?  I was so excited to open them!  From top left we have Gold Mine Glitter 355, Teal 334, Ruby Glitter, Amethyst Glitter 354, (second row) Emerald Green 284, Pink Sapphire Glitter 352, Pink Quartz Glitter 349, and last but certainly not least is A England Dragon.  They really are lovely, aren't they?  Sometimes I wonder if I like nail polish more for how pretty it all is in the bottles!

I will post my review of the A England polish separately as that polish could become my very favorite ever!  I added a pic of the Ruby Glitter over China Glaze Wicked Style and Maybelline Color Show Onyx Rush below.

First of all forgive the mussed up job on my first nail, I was in a hurry to get them done before we went out for dinner that night!  Ruby Glitter has lovely little hex and round hot pink glitters in a clear base with small round and tiny black glitters.  I was hoping that this would have gone on a bit more opaque, but with two coats I think it did the job.  I didn't have to "fish" for any of the glitters and it wasn't too gloppy.  Overall I thought it was good and it will be a nice little glitter for my collection.

Do you have any Barry M?  I believe you can sometimes find them on Harlow & Co, and possibly eBay and Amazon.

cheers xx

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  1. I don't have any Barry M's and I live in England lol I'm just obsessed with Sally Hansen, but I am starting to grow on Barry M so might buy some on my next polish trip to town :D

    1. Megan - I actually only have a few Sally Hansen! lol I've never been very fond of them but I also haven't really tried it in ages, so I might have to give them a go.

      I'm really impressed with the Barry M's so far, if you pick some up let me know what you think!


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